February 10th, 2010
HCH Map */ ?>


This map is made to give an insight on the countries that have produced Lindane and have generated larger stockpiles of HCH-waste and the approximate amounts.

It must be stated that these data need further verification. They are all based on the IHPA report submitted to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention in 2006. It is expected that further investigations will generate more detailed information about locations and exact extent of the individual stockpiles.

Any information about stockpiles in the countries shown or other countries that might own HCH-stockpikes, can be forwarded to the Secretariat at Updates will be periodically included in the map.


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The International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) is an independent and non-political network of committed individuals that wants to draw international attention on the world-wide problems stemming from the production and use of HCH and other obsolete pesticides and its dangers for human health and the environment.

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