May 18th, 2013

Proceedings from the 10th and 11th International HCH & Pesticides Forum

Proceedings from the 10th and 11th International HCH & Pesticides Forum are available to download.
Please visit IHPA Library.

HCH Forum
April 30th, 2013

Pre-Announcement : 12th International HCH and Pesticides Forum


12th Forum 10 years after the 7th forum in Kiev: what has been achieved in a decade in

Ukraine – what is Ukraine’s role for the other EECCA countries

6-8 November, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine


The Forum objectives are:

  • To make status of the developments and new plans in Ukraine over the last decade, and assess is these developments can be used as example for other countries in the region and elsewhere
  • To review of past and ongoing activities in the field of obsolete pesticides problems in Central European and EECCA Countries, Africa, Asia and South America
  • What has been realized from the 11th Forum recommendations?
  • To discuss the national and regional strategies, action plans and financial resources for elimination of the obsolete pesticides – from discussion to action
  • To review and exchange technologies and experiences for inventory, risk assessment, environmental impact assessment of central stores, environmentally sound management, storage and destruction of obsolete pesticides and contaminated soils
  • Awareness raising of the obsolete pesticides problems globally, regionally, nationally, locally


The preliminary programme of the 12th Forum includes three days discussions and one day field trip on the 8th of November.

Special workshops on (preliminary version) are proposed:

  • High Level Section on Public-Private Partnership on establishment of investment platform for work towards sustainable Clean-up of Obsolete and POPs pesticides and other POPs in the FSU in the next decade (organised by Bram de Borst, Chair IHPA)
  • Progress in the EU funded FAO Project “Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union”
  • Status of UNEP-GEF Regional Project: “Demonstrating and Scaling Up Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for the control of vector borne diseases in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia”
  • Ukraine: Achievements over the last decade and plans for the future (organised by Mikhail Malkov, IHPA Ambassador for Ukraine)
  • New developments and experiences in Southeast Asia
  • Monitoring as a tool for effectiveness evaluation of the conventions and directives measures (organised by Ivan Holoubek, RECETOX)
  • Progress of technological solutions in the field: “incineration and alternative technologies”
  • Non-technological issues: Organizational, legal, and communication aspects of clean-ups
  • African Experience in Management of Obsolete Pesticides (organised by Michael Hansen, Ramboll)
  • Effectiveness of the international conventions – words of declarations vs. solving of real problems (organised by Ivan Holoubek, RECETOX)
  • Pesticides Management: ”MORE FOOD LESS RISK” (Organised by FAO)
  • Health problems at obsolete pesticides sites (organised by Margret Schlumpf, Green Tox)
  • The added value of the classification POP pesticides dumpsite (organised by Boudewijn Fokke, Tauw & Marten van der Wijk, Witteveen + Bos)
  • “Education and awareness raising; a need and a must” including “Pesticides Children education” (organised by Vladimir Shevtsov GreenCross and Sandra Molenkamp Milieukontakt international)
  • Workshop Bioavailability (organised by Konstantin Terytze, Gernan Environment Agency)

For more information please download the pre-announcement or visit 12th International HCH and Pesticides Forum website

March 12th, 2013

Obsolete (lethal) pesticides – Georgian version of the booklet

GeorgianObsolete (lethal) Pesticides, a ticking time bomb and why we have to act now (12.03.2013)

December 23rd, 2012

Newsletter #024 – December 2012


December 9th, 2012

The Carcinogenic HCB by the Baltic Sea – whole story video

During last HCH Forums we found out about problem of HCB waste in Kalush (Ukraine) and about Ukrainian activities concerning HCB and unwanted pesticides. We were happy to see that another country is fighting with POP problem. Until the May of this year…
One of Polish TV stations shown the report about HCB and unwanted pesticides from Ukraine. I was really surprised that several (more less 12) thousands of tones of this waste was found in one of Polish incinerator plant. Incorrectly packed, in torn big-bags, smelly, with no adequate protection, waste are stored 50 meters from the coast line of Baltic Sea. According to permissions and technical capacity of the incineration plant it will take more than two years to liquidate all waste.
After the publication of the report, Polish prosecutor opened an investigation.
Do you think that this is the way to eliminate POP’s? Did we strive for such activities as the IHPA for the last several years?

Tomasz Stobiecki – IHPA Ambassador
Institute of Plant Protection
National Research Institute
Sosnicowice Branch

About IHPA

The International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) is an independent and non-political network of committed individuals that wants to draw international attention on the world-wide problems stemming from the production and use of HCH and other obsolete pesticides and its dangers for human health and the environment.

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