HCH Forum
October 26th, 2011

Press releases after the 11th HCH Forum

October 18th, 2011

Obsolete (lethal) Pesticides

NEW PAGE in our LIBRARY! Obsolete (lethal) Pesticides, a ticking time bomb and why we have to act now.
(available in English, Russian, Azerbaijani and Mongolian)
Authors: John Vijgen, Director of the International HCH &
Pesticides Association (IHPA,
Christian Egenhofer, Senior Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels (CEPS)
Publisher: Tauw Group bv, The Netherlands (on behave of IHPA, c/o Elmevej 14, DK-2840 Holte.)
ISBN-13: 978-90-76098-10-4

HCH Forum
September 28th, 2011

11th International HCH and Pesticides Forum – Gabala Declaration

Dear all,
Please find the Gabala Declaration of the 11th Int. HCH Forum, which we think has been a great success. We feel the commitment of the EECCA governments is increasing and the Azerbaijan government has given the good example for all countries in the region and has declared to clean up obsolete and POPs pesticides in the next 8-10 years. We are also very glad to have a strong commitment of EU Members of the Parliament to support to keep Obsolete and POPs pesticides on the EU agenda and to support our works . I hope we can keep this encouraging spirit in the coming years and dedicate our joint efforts to start cleaning up the EECCA region.
John Vijgen

August 10th, 2011

The scenario of HCH-exposure in Lucknow – video and pictures

The scenario of HCH-exposure in Lucknow (U.P. India) and its nearby districts (by Dr. Faizan Haider Khan) – See on IHPA Video page

June 2nd, 2011

Newsletter #021 – June 2011


About IHPA

The International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA) is an independent and non-political network of committed individuals that wants to draw international attention on the world-wide problems stemming from the production and use of HCH and other obsolete pesticides and its dangers for human health and the environment.

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